Sunday, February 27, 2011

Week Five: The Fun is Over

The Flying Hound - Pencil Crayon 

Today's the last day of my "spring" break. I'm DREADING going back. From now until the end of April, I can say goodbye to my life. Anyways, here's a fun drawing I did a while ago that makes me laugh every time I see it. Hope it cheers up others as much as it cheers me up!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Week Four Cont'd: Illustration Friday - "Layer"

Here's my submission for this week's Illustration Friday topic: "layer". I was really stuck on what to do for this one (cake, onions, and lasagna had already been done!). But I saw the chessboard on my shelf, and was inspired to draw the "layered" chess pieces. Hope you like it!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Week Four Cont'd: La Dee Daa

Sulphurite Prism

So, i'm loving "spring" break. I'll I've done is shop, draw, sleep and eat. Anywhosit, here's another piece, just for  fun. If anyone knows why this flower is called a "sulphurite prism", let me know. I haven't gotten to the Illustration Friday topic for this week yet...i'm not finding it very inspiring. Maybe i'll ask my crazy brother for some ideas...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Week Four: I have a life again

The Hunt - graphite 

So, midterms are over! I made it through (barely). Last Friday was my brother's bake sale at school (it was for Valentine's Day, even though the day had passed...don't ask me why). So...I baked. Of course. And decorated. Four hours of icing and sprinkles and spatulas. And after all that, I forgot to take a picture of my edible masterpieces. So, instead I've posted a sketch of a horse and rider. Three quarters of my drawings are of horses  (I've been riding English style for about 11 years). As of late, I've been trying to move away from horses a little, and experiment with some new styles. But since I couldn't show you my cupcakes (as planned), you get yet another horse. Oh well.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Week Three: When a tree is chilly

When a Tree is Chilly

Midterms are over! Here's my submission for this week's Illustration Friday Topic: Sweater. Better late than never!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Week Three: Almost There!

My attempt at knitting

I just have to hold out until Wednesday, and mid-terms will be over! Then my plan is to make some BEA-U-TI-FUL cupcakes for my brothers' bake sale, and then get going on this weeks Illustration Friday word. In the mean time, here's some more art!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Week Two Cont'd: Oh boy oh boy oh boy

Tranquil Blue on the Lake 

Ugh. Not much time for drawing this weekend. I've got two mid-terms left to study for, a lab report to do, and a biology lab to prep for. In other words, I'M GOING CRAZY. Anyways, I whipped up this quick landscape last night before bed (when I was too tired to study anymore). My inspiration was the colour blue (if that's not obvious). I'm hoping i'll get a chance to work on this week's Illustration Friday topic sometime soon!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Week Two: Mid-term Art

Leaf Study

So, even though I am INCREDIBLY busy with school (mid-term, mid-terms, mid-terms), I managed to use my creative juices a little this past weekend. I guess I had biology on the brain, and decided to take inspiration from nature when I painted "Leaf Study" above. It's a new style for me, but I think I like the faint outlines and bold color blocking. I'm planning on trying out this style some more, maybe with different color palettes and subjects. My spring semester break is in two weeks, and i'm hoping to fill up my sketchbook during that time...I've got to say, it can't come soon enough!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Illustration Friday 02.04.2011 - Reverse 
This is my take on this week's Illustration Friday topic: "Reverse". It was done digitally using a pen and tablet. I started with the idea of the glasses on the back of the girl's head, and then just drew on from there...the wings sort of came out of nowhere, but I think they add a touch of whimsy and imagination to the image. Since it's very cold, snowy and dark where I am right now, I decided to do a background that reminds me of summer. My job in the summer is washing the dishes after meals of summer salads and barbecued hot dogs....just as the winged girl is doing here. Oh, and bubbles are always a good thing.  

Week One Cont'd: Inspiration

I've been searching the internet for some creativity boosting are a few of my favorites:
  •  Sketch each part of the body individually
  •  Open a drawer and sketch the contents
  •  Draw your sketching supplies
  • Arrange several glass items and sketch how the transparent items overlap
  • Draw a micro image by zooming in on an object
  • Go through the alphabet and draw something for every letter
  •  Draw an imaginary place rich in detail
  • Draw an object from 3 different views
  • Draw inside of a mechanical object
  • Using color (no black) and light (white) create a Impressionist style landscape drawing
  • Design a CD cover for a music group
  • Make a book cover for a novel
  • Draw instructions for a recipe

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Week One: Procrastination

So, no artwork for this week YET. But, my deadline is Saturday night. Right now, i'm focusing on studying for midterms (even though it's not actually 'mid-term'). Times are tough, but reading week is in sight...just gotta hold out until then. Anyways, more content to come!